Thursday, October 31, 2019

INJURY PREVENTION Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

INJURY PREVENTION - Research Paper Example Statement of the problem and significance of the problem According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, health workers face various injuries in the course of their work. These injuries include needlestick injuries, back injuries, latex allergies, violence, and stress. The rates of these work-related injuries have been increasing throughout the years and â€Å"by contrast, two of the most hazardous industries, agriculture and construction, are safer today than they were a decade ago† (CDC, 2011). According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (n.d) healthcare workers face potential sources of injuries in the clinical areas through bloodborne pathogens, airborne pathogens, ergonomic injuries, slips, trips, falls, and through sharps; in the surgical suites through anesthetic gases, bloodborne pathogens, compressed gases, lasers, and latex; in radiology through radiation, airborne pathogens, and bloodborne pathogens as well; in physical therapy through ergonomics, slips, trips, and falls, through equipment hazards, and bloodborne pathogens; in the pharmacy through latex, drug absorption, and through slips and falls; and in central supply through compressed gases, anesthetic agents, chemical agents, ergonomics, and through burns and cuts. These injuries are sources of significant concern within and outside the health care practice because the appropriate safety precautions must be laid out in order to protect the welfare of all health care workers. Based on the above scenario, this paper now seeks to answer: What are the appropriate programs which need to be implemented to prevent and control the occurrence of the above health care injuries? Monitoring, Detection, Diagnosis of the injury problem In monitoring, detecting, and diagnosing of injuries in the workplace, it is important to observe the activities of healthcare workers. The monitoring of activities can be carried out by observing how the healthcare workers carry out their activities. In observing their activities, it is possible to observe how well these workers comply with the standard precautions of safety. By observing the workers, it is possible to see if they are practicing ergonomics while carrying, transferring and moving patients or while implementing interventions for the patient. The use of gloves, masks, gowns, and other personal protective equipment must be assessed. Evaluating whether or not workers use this protective equipment would determine the presence or absence of risks on the worker’s life. Regular tests of chemical levels and other toxic elements on a worker’s system would also help establish the extent of injury posed on the worker’s life. Radiation strips worn by workers would also help monitor the radiation exposure levels for the workers exposed to radiation and other toxic chemicals. Past and existing studies Various studies have been carried out on the subject matter. These studies have expressed that each year about 385,000 health care workers in hospitals are exposed to bloodborne pathogens, caused mostly by inadvertent needlestick and sharps injuries (National Public Health, 2011). In assessing the risk for injuries, determinants include: overuse of injections and unnecessary sharps, lack of supplies; lack of access to sharps containers; inadequate staffing; recapping of needles after use; lack of engineering controls; lack of awareness

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Illustrative Transactions and Financial Statements Answers Essay Example for Free

Illustrative Transactions and Financial Statements Answers Essay Identify potential problems with regression data. 7. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of alternative cost estimates. 8. (Appendix A) Use Microsoft Excel to perform a regression analysis. 9. (Appendix B) Understand the mathematical relationship describing the learning phenomenon. Why Estimate Costs? Managers make decisions and need to compare costs and benefits among alternative actions. Good decision requires good information about costs, the better these estimates, the better the decision managers will make (Lanen, 2008).. Key Question What adds value to the firm? Good decisions. You saw in Chapters 3 and 4 that good decisions require good information about costs. Cost estimates are important elements in helping managers make decisions that add value to the company (Lanen, 2008). Learning Objective One: Understand the reasons for estimating fixed and variable costs The reasons for estimating fixed and variable costs The basic idea in cost estimation is to estimate the relation between costs and the variables affecting costs, the cost drivers. We focus on the relation between costs and one important variable that affect them: activity (Lanen, 2008). Basic Cost Behavior Patterns By now you understand the importance of cost behavior. Cost behavior is the key distinction for decision making. Costs behave as either fixed or variable (Lanen, 2008). Fixed costs are fixed in total, variable costs vary in total. On a per-unit basis, fixed costs vary inversely with activity and variable costs stay the same. Are you getting the idea? Cost behavior is critical for decision making. The formula that we use to estimate costs is similar cost equation: Total costs = fixed costs + {variable cost per unit} number of units T c = f + {v} x |With a change in Activity |In Total |Per Unit | |Fixed Cost |Fixed |Vary | |Variable |Vary |Fixed | What Methods are used to Estimate Cost Behavior? Three general methods used to estimate the relationship between cost behavior and activity levels that are commonly used in practice: Engineering estimates, Account analysis Statistical methods (Such as regression analysis) (Lanen, 2008). Results are likely to differ from method to method. Consequently, it’s a good idea to use more than one method so that results can be compared. These methods, therefore, should be seen as ways to help management arrive at the best estimates possible. Their weakness and strengths require attention. Learning Objective Two: Estimate costs using engineering estimates. Engineering Estimates Cost estimates are based on measuring and then pricing the work involved in a task. This method based on detailed plans and is frequently used for large projects or new products. This method often omits inefficiencies, such as downtime for unscheduled maintenance, absenteeism and other miscellaneous random events that affect the entire firm (Lanen, 2008). Identify the activities involved Labor |Rent |Insurance |Time |Cost | Advantages of engineering estimates |Details each step required to perform an operation |Permits comparison of other centers with similar operations | |Identifies strengths and weaknesses. | | Disadvantages of engineering estimates 1. Can be quite expensive to use. Learning Objective Three: Estimate costs using account analysis. Account Analysis Estimating costs using account analysis involves a review of each account making up the total costs being analyzed and identifying each cost as either fixed or variable, depending on the relation between the cost and some activity. Account analysis relies heavily on personal judgment. This method is often based on last period’s cost along and is subject to managers focusing on specific issues of the previous period even though these might be unusual and infrequent(Lanen, 2008) . Example: Account Analysis (Exhibit 5. 1) |3C Cost Estimation Using Account Analysis | |Costs for 360 Repair Hours | |Account |Total |Variable Cost |Fixed Cost | |Office Rent $3,375 |$1,375 |$2,000 | |Utilities |310 |100 |210 | |Administration |3,386 |186 |3,200 | |Supplies |2,276 |2,176 |100 | |Training |666 |316 |350 | |Other |613 |257 |356 | |Total |$10,626 |$4,410 |$6,216 | |Per Repair Hour |$12. 25 ($4,410 divided by 360 repair-hours) | 3C Cost Estimation Using Account Analysis (Costs at 360 Repair-Hours. A unit is a repair- hour) Total costs = fixed costs + {variable cost per unit} number of units T c = f + {v} x |$10,626 = $6,216 + $12. 25 (360) |$10,626 = $6,216 + $$4,410 | Costs at 520 Repair-Hours Total costs = fixed costs + {variable cost per unit} number of units |Tc = $6,216 + {$12. 25} 520 |Total costs = $6,216 + $ $6,370 |$12,586 = $6,216 + $ $6,370 | Advantage of Account Analysis 1. Managers and accountants are familiar with company operations and the way costs react to changes in activity levels. Disadvantages of Account Analysis 1. Managers and accountants may be biased. 2. Decisions often have major economic consequences for managers and accountants. Learning Objective Four: Estimate costs using statistical analysis. The statistical analysis deals with both random and unusual events is to use several periods of operation or several locations as the basis for estimating cost relations . We can do this by applying statistical theory, which allows for random events to be separated from the underlying relation between costs and activities. A statistical cost analysis analyzes costs within the relevant range using statistics. Do you remember how we defined relevant range? A relevant range is the range of activity where a cost estimate is valid. The relevant range for cost estimation is usually between the upper and lower limits of past activity levels for which data is available (Lanen, 2008). Example: Overhead Costs for 3C ( Exhibit 5. 2) The following information is used throughout this chapter: Here we have the overhead costs data for 3C for the last 15 months. Let’s use this data to estimate costs using a statistical analysis. |Month |Overhead Costs |Repair-Hours |Month |Overhead Costs |Repair-Hours | |1 |$9,891 |248 |8 |$10,345 |344 | |2 $9,244 |248 |9 |$11,217 |448 | |3 |$13,200 |480 |10 |$13,269 |544 | |4 |$10,555 |284 |11 |$10,830 |340 | |5 |$9,054 |200 |12 |$12,607 |412 | |6 |$10,662 |380 |13 |$10,871 |384 | |7 |$12,883 |568 |14 |$12,816 |404 | | | | |15 |$8,464 |212 | A. Scattergraph Plot of cost and activity levels Does it look like a relationship exists between repair-hours and overhead costs? We will start with a scatter graph. A scatter graph is a plot of cost and activity levels. This gives us a visual representation of costs. Does it look like a relationship exists between repair-hours and overhead cost? We use â€Å"eyeball judgment† to determine the intercept and slope of the line. Now we â€Å"eyeball† the scatter graph to determine the intercept and the slope of a line through the data points. Do you remember graphing our total cost in Chapter 3? Where the total cost line intercepts the horizontal or Y axis represents fixed cost. What we are saying is the intercept equals fixed costs. The slope of the line represents the variable cost per unit. So we use â€Å"eyeball judgment† to determine fixed cost and variable cost per unit to arrive at total cost for a given level of activity. As you can imagine, preparing an estimate on the basis of a scatter graph is subject to a high level of error. Consequently, scatter graphs are usually not used as the sole basis for cost estimates but to illustrate the relations between costs and activity and to point out any past data items that might be significantly out of line. B. High-Low Cost Estimation A method to estimate costs based on two cost observations, usually at the highest and lowest activity level. Although the high-low method allows a computation of estimates of the fixed and variable costs, it ignores most of the information available to the analyst. The high-low method uses two data points to estimate costs (Lanen, 2008). Another approach: Equations V = Cost at highest activity Cost at lowest activity Highest activity Lowest activity F = Total cost at highest activity level V (Highest activity) Or F = Total cost at lowest activity level V (Lowest activity) Let’s put the numbers in the equations | | | |V = $12,883 $9,054 |V = $10. 0/RH | |568 – 200 | | F = Total cost at highest activity level V (Highest activity) F = $12,883 $10. 40 (568), F= $6,976 Or F = Total cost at lowest activity level V (Lowest activity) F = $9,054 $10. 40 (200) Rounding Difference C. Statistical Cost Estimation Using Regression Analysis Statistical procedure to determine the relationship between variables High-Low Method: Uses two data points. Regression analysis Regression is a statistical procedure that uses all the data points to estimate costs. [pic] Regression Analysis Regression statistically measures the relationship between two variables, activities and costs. Regression techniques are designed to generate a line that best fits a set of data points. In addition, regression techniques generate information that helps a manager determine how well the estimated regression equation describes the relations between costs and activities (Lanen, 2008). We recommend that users of regression (1) fully understand the method and its limitations (2) specify the model, that is the hypothesized relation between costs and cost predictors (3) know the characteristics of the data being tested (4) examine a plot of the data . For 3C, repair-hours are the activities, the independent variable or predictor variable. In regression, the independent variable or predictor variable is identified as the X term. An overhead cost is the dependent variable or Y term. What we are saying is; overhead costs are dependent on repair-hours, or predicted by repair-hours. The Regression Equation |Y = a + bX |Y = Intercept + (Slope) X |OH = Fixed costs + (V) Repair-hours | You already know that an estimate for the costs at any given activity level can be computed using the equation TC = F + VX. The regression equation, Y= a + bX represents the cost equation. Y equals the intercept plus the slope times the number of units. When estimating overhead costs for 3C, total overhead costs equals fixed costs plus the variable cost per unit of repair-hours times the number of repair-hours. We leave the description of the computational details and theory to computer and statistics course; we will focus on the use and interpretation of regression estimates. We describe the steps required to obtain regression estimates using Microsoft Excel in Appendix A to this chapter. Learning Objective Five: Interpret the results of regression output. Interpreting Regression [pic] Interpreting regression output allows us to estimate total overhead costs. The intercept of 6,472 is total fixed costs and the coefficient, 12. 52, is the variable cost per repair-hours. Correlation coefficient â€Å"R† measures the linear relationship between variables. The closer R is to 1. 0 the closer the points are to the regression line. The closer R is to zero, the poorer the regression line (Lanen, 2008). Coefficient of determination â€Å"R2† The square of the correlation coefficient. The proportion of the variation in the dependent variable (Y) explained by the independent variable(s)(X). T-Statistic The t-statistic is the value of the estimated coefficient, b, divided by its standard error. Generally, if it is over 2, then it is considered significant. If significant, the cost is NOT totally fixed. The significant level of the t-statistics is called the p-value. Continuing to interpret the regression output, the Multiple R is called the correlation coefficient and measures the linear relationship between the independent and dependent variables. R Square, the square of the correlation cost efficient, determines and identifies the proportion of the variation in the dependent variable, in this case, overhead costs, that is explained by the independent variable, in this case, repair-hours. The Multiple R, the correlation coefficient, of . 91 tells us that a linear relationship does exist between repair-hours and overhead costs. The R Square, or coefficient of determination, tells us that 82. 8% of the changes in overhead costs can be explained by changes in repair-hours. Can you use this regression output to estimate overhead costs for 3C at 520 repair-hours? Multiple Regressions Multiple regressions are used when more than one predictor (x) is needed to adequately predict the value (Lanen, 2008). For example, it might lead to more precise results if 3C uses both repair hours and the cost of parts in order to predict the total cost. Let’s look at this example. |Predictors: |X1: Repair-hours |X2: Parts Cost | 3C Cost Information | |Month |Overhead Costs |Repair-Hours ( X1) |Parts ( X2) | |1 |$9,891 |248 |$1,065 | |2 |$9,244 |248 |$1,452 | |3 |$13,200 |480 |$3,500 | |4 |$10,555 |284 |$1,568 | |5 |$9,054 |200 |$1,544 | |6 |$10,662 |380 |$1,222 | |7 |$12,883 |568 |$2,986 | |8 |$10,345 |344 |$1,841 | |9 |$11,217 |448 |$1,654 | |10 |$13,269 |544 |$2,100 | |11 |$10,830 |340 |$1,245 | |12 |$12,607 |412 |$2,7 00 | |13 |$10,871 |384 |$2,200 | |14 |$12,816 |404 |$3,110 | |15 |$8,464 |212 |$ 752 | In multiple regressions, the Adjusted R Square is the correlation coefficient squared and adjusted for the number of independent variables used to make the estimate. Reading this output tells us that 89% of the changes in overhead costs can be explained by changes in repair-hours and the cost of parts. Remember 82. % of the changes in overhead costs were explained when one independent variable, repair-hours, was used to estimate the costs. Can you use this regression output to estimate overhead costs for 520 repair-hours and $3,500 cost of parts? Learning Objective Six: Identify potential problems with regression data. Implementation Problems It’s easy to be over confident when interpreting regression output. It all looks so official. But beware of some potential problems with regression data. We already discussed in earlier chapters that costs are curvilinear and cost estimations are only valid within the relevant range. Data may also include outliers and the relationships may be spurious. Let’s talk a bit about each. Curvilinear costs |Outliers |Spurious relations |Assumptions | 1. Curvilinear costs Problem: Attempting to fit a linear model to nonlinear data. Likely to occur near full-capacity. Solution: Define a more limited relevant range (example: from 25 – 75% capacity) or design a nonlinear model. If the cost function is curvilinear, then a linear model contains weaknesses. This generally occurs when the firm is at or near capacity. The leaner cost estimate understates the slope of the cost line in the ranges close capacity. This situation is shown in exhibit 5. 5. 2. Outliers Problem: Outlier moves the regression line. Solution: Prepare a scatter-graph, analyze the graph and eliminate highly unusual observations before running the regression. Because regression calculates the line that best fits the data points, observations that lie a significant distance away from the line could have an overwhelming effect on the regression estimate. Here we see the effect of one significant outlier. The computed regression line is a substantial distance from most of the points. The outlier moves the regression line. Please refer exhibit 5. 6. 3. Spurious or false relations Problem: Using too many variables in the regression. For example, using direct labor to explain materials costs. Although the association is very high, actually both are driven by output. Solution: Carefully analyze each variable and determine the relationship among all elements before using in the regression. 4. Assumptions Problem: If the assumptions in the regression are not satisfied then the regression is not reliable. Solution: No clear solution. Limit time to help assure costs behavior remains constant, yet this causes the model to be weaker due to less data. Learning Objective Seven: Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of alternative cost estimation methods. Statistical Cost Estimation Advantages 1. Reliance on historical data is relatively inexpensive. 2. Computational tools allow for more data to be used than for non-statistical methods. Disadvantages 1. Reliance on historical data may be the only readily available, cost-effective basis for estimating costs. 2. Analysts must be alert to cost-activity changes. Choosing an Estimation Method Each cost estimation method can yield a different estimate of the costs that are likely to result from a particular management decision. This underscores the advantage of using more than one method to arrive at a final estimate. Which method is the best? Management must weigh the cost-benefit related to each method (Lanen, 2008). Estimated manufacturing overhead with 520 repair-hours and $3,500 parts costs *. The more sophisticated methods yield more accurate cost estimates than the simple methods. |Account Analysis = $12,586 |High-Low = $12,384 |Regression= $12,982 |Multiple Regression= $13,588* | Data Problems Missing data Outliers Allocated and discretionary costs Inflation Mismatched time periods No matter what method is used to estimate costs, the results are only as good as the data used. Collecting appropriate data is complicated by missing data, outliers, allocated and discretionary costs, inflation and mismatched time periods. Learning Objective Eight: (Appendix A) Use Microsoft Excel to perform a regression analysis. Appendix A: Microsoft as a Tool Many software programs exist to aid in performing regression analysis. In order to use Microsoft Excel, the Analysis Tool Pak must be installed. There are software packages that allow users to easily generate a regression analysis. The analyst must be well schooled in regression in order to determine the meaning of the output! Learning Objective Nine: (Appendix B) Understand the mathematical relationship describing the learning phenomenon. Learning Phenomenon Leaning phenomenon refers to the systematic relationship between the amount of experience in performing a task and the time required to perform it. The learning phenomenon means that the variable costs tend to decrease per unit as the volume increase. Example: | |Unit |Time to Produce |Calculation of Time | |First Unit |100 hours |(assumed) | |Second Unit |80 hours |(80 percent x 100 hours | |Fourth Unit |64 hours |(80 percent x 80 hours | |Eighth Unit |51. hours |(80 percent x 64 hours | |Impact: Causes the unit price to decrea se as production increases. This implies a nonlinear model. | Another element that can change the shape of the total cost curve is the notion of a learning phenomenon. As workers become more skilled they are able to produce more output per hour. This will impact the total cost curve since it leads to a lower per unit cost, the higher the output. Chapter 5: END!! COURSE WORK EXERCISE 5-25 – A B PROBLEM 5-47 -A B REFERENCES Lanen , N. W. , Anderson ,W. Sh. Maher ,W. M. ( 2008). Fundamentals of cost accounting. New York : McGraw-Hill Irwin. [pic]

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Task-Centred Anti-Discriminatory Practice in Social Work

Task-Centred Anti-Discriminatory Practice in Social Work Demonstrate your understanding of the main principles of TASK CENTRED PRACTICE. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of the theory in its application to anti discriminatory practice. Introduction The International Federation of Social Work states that: â€Å"The social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in human  relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being.  Utilising theories of human behaviour and social systems, social work intervenes at the  points where people interact with their environments. Principles of human rights and  social justice are fundamental to social work†[1]. The best kind of social work is that which places the client or service user at the centre of everything it does. This is a core principle of task based social work, rather than working with a set of preconceived ideas the social worker has to negotiate the legal framework within which she/he is obliged to operate in order to achieve the best results for the service user. Task based social work is therefore first and foremost ethical and anti-oppressive social work which takes as its foundation the Human Rights Act of 1998 that each person should be dealt with in terms of the concept of the inherent worth of the individual. This assignment will first give some definition of the role and responsibilities of the social worker. From within this framework it will then look at the main principles of task centred practice and will use imaginary scenarios to consider the strengths and weaknesses of the theory and its application to anti-discriminatory practice. Social Work People looking for a career as a social worker usually have more luck if they have had some experience of dealing with individuals in the community. This could involve work placements or being involved with voluntary work, both of which seen as good practice and background to engage in social work practice. Prior community involvement is seen as a valuable asset for anyone wishing to become a social worker. Social services is set against a background of voluntary charity work in the late nineteenth century and people who get involved in community work are seen to have the right kind of spirit, or an interest in social justice that is a valuable part of social work (Moore, 2002). Tasks and Roles Within the Legal Framework The social worker’s role is outlined by what was the personal social services. The overall aim of social workers is a concern with individuals and the care they may need. Under Government legislation and the Code of Practice, social workers have to act in accordance with the 1998 Human Rights Act, the 1990 NHS and Care in the Community Act (a result of the 1988 Griffiths Report), the Chronically Sick and Disabled Person’s Act of 1970 and the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act. More recently social workers are legally required to be involved in partnership working with other agencies (ref) and this has been extended to include the service user/service provider relationship. There is, arguably, some truth in the fact that this takes what is at heart a charitable search for social justice and puts it on a par with businesses and at the mercy of market forces. The primary work behind task centred practice is the identification of social systems, what they might be and what they do. Thus the properly qualified social worker needs a good deal of sociological knowledge with regard to things like class, gender, race and religion. He/she would also need to be aware of Parson’s work on social systems and socialisation because this gives an insight into the boundaries from which a service user may be operating (Payne, 1991). Once social workers are aware of social systems and how they operate then it is possible to be able to define any imbalances within a working relationship (Payne ibid). This last is a necessary part of anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory practice, however, we shall see that task centred practice can be a two edged sword for the social worker. Payne’s (1991) systems analysis is essential to task centred practice because it provides the social worker with a conceptual basis to start breaking a problem and its solution into manageable pieces.Task centred practice is based on the idea that people learn by doing and that when they have a success this then improves their performance (Hanvey, 1994). Task centred theory is further premised on the view that tasks are a series of steps that a professional would take in order to help a service user achieve a goal. This goal would need to take into account the rights and responsibilities of others as well as those of the service user. There are three key parts of task centred practice the first part of this process focuses on the problem or situation that the social worker is faced with, for example a young mother who has been hospitalised with mental health problems and now wishes to look after her child herself. In this situation the social worker would have to break the problem down for example what might the risks to the child be if it was left unsupervised with a mother from a difficult client group? The social worker would begin by looking at the whole picture and then focus on particular aspects of the situation that could be problematic. Added to this as the social worker investigates the problem further he/she may find the shape and scope of the problem changing (Hanvey, ibid). Thus the social worker has to establish certain parameters e.g. the urgency of the problem and the chances of failure or success as well as any support the service user may have. In the case of a young mother with mental health iss ues for example the following problem might occur: If the social worker needs to make a visit and the service user refuses to allow entry this could cause problems with regards to any future assessment, something which is required by the legal framework. According to the terms of the Community Care Act of 1990 (circular LAC (92) 12, any needs assessment would have to take into account that persons current living situation, any help or support from friends and relatives and what she herself hopes to gain from the assessment. Because of mental health needs this client would be entitled to a specific type of assessment.[2] A task centred approach involves looking at what the service user wants (in this case to have parental rights and control of her child), what the problems might be. If an earlier assessment has shown that family and friends would be able to offer little in the way of help and a young child is involved then the social worker has a duty to search for alternatives. If the mother’s care of the child is erratic and she is posing a problem for other people around then it would be the social worker’s duty to call in the medical officer of health who then has to obtain an order from the magistrates’ court. This would allow the social worker to gain entry and to assess the situation and the needs of the child, however, this could bring the social worker into a value conflict situation (this, I think is one of the problems with the task centred approach). Task centred social work means that once the social worker has defined the problem and the hoped for outcome, he/she then has to decide whether the outcome is really attainable and what the consequences might be if it were achieved. With the imagined scenario used here achieving what the client wants could involve the social worker in a variety of problematic situations. Ethically speaking the interests of the service user should take priority. However the social worker has a duty to bear in mind the BASW guidelines on ethical practice, Boulton (2003) has said of this: In exceptional circumstances where the priority of the service users interest is outweighed by the need to protect others or by legal requirements, make service users aware that their interests may be overridden (Boulton, 2003 p.10).[3] Where it has been estimated that a child may be at risk then a social worker has a duty of care under the 1989 Children’s Act. At the same time there is a requirement to act within a framework that is informed by the Human Rights Act of 1998 and the rights of the mother have to be taken into consideration. There is a dilemma here for the social worker because a wrong decision could result in harm occasioned either to the child or to the mother as a result of her own actions. In such circumstances a social worker is bound to make an assessment of risk, and also probable harm. If harm is occasioned then the social worker could be held to account. The (system we are in now is almost ready to treat every death as chargeable to someone’s account, every accident as caused by someone’s criminal negligence, every sickness a threatened prosecution. Whose fault? Is the first question (Douglas, 1992:15-16).[4] Clearly this situation needs a multi-agency approach including the social worker, his/her immediate superior, someone from the child protection scheme, the mother’s GP, the health visitor and the mother. Putting the child on the child protection register with regular reviews may help alleviate the situation and is in line with the requirements of the 1989 Children’s Act. This could therefore become a case where the service user’s rights will be overridden because the primary duty is to the child. This is where a social worker would be faced with a conflict of ethics and values which may lead to a practice situation where, as a practitioner, the social worker cannot be right. The final part of a task centred approach is to define just how long a social worker can give to a particular case and this is almost impossible to define, particularly in the imagined scenario above. A case like this could go on for years with different levels of professional involvement. Conclusion Task centred theory, I believe is a good starting point for social workers as it provides some sort of framework for dealing with some of the problems service users may present. While the theory is meant to support anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory practice, this relies on a thorough understanding of social systems and how they operate. On the other hand there are some situations where a social worker has to weigh the needs of one person against another and this can result in apparent oppression and neglect of a service user’s human rights. The fact of the matter is that there will always be cases where someone is the loser and this is a sad fact of social work experience. Bibliography accessed 31st March 2007 Boulton, J 2003 Code of Ethics for Social Work available at Hanvey, C and Philpot, T. 1994 Practicing Social Work New York, Routledge Kemshall, 2002 Kemshall, H. 2002. Risk, Social Policy and Welfare Buckingham, Open University Press p.9 Payne, M. 1991 Modern Social Work Theory. A Critical Introduction, London: Macmillan. The Care Programme Approach Policy: towards integrated care programme approach and care management (2000) South London and Maudsley NHS Trust 1 [1] accessed 31st March 2007 [2] The Care Programme Approach Policy: towards integrated care programme approach and care management (2000) South London and Maudsley NHS Trust [3] Boulton, J 2003 Code of Ethics for Social Work available at [4] Quoted in Kemshall, 2002 Kemshall, H. 2002. Risk, Social Policy and Welfare Buckingham, Open University Press p.9

Friday, October 25, 2019

Chartists and Chartism Essay -- European Europe History

Chartists and Chartism   Chartism was the name of a variety of protest movements in England during the 1830s and 40s, which aimed to bring about change   in social and economic conditions through political reform. Its name comes from the People’s Charter, a six-point petition presented to the House of Commons with the hope of having it made law. The six point included annual parliaments, universal manhood suffrage, abolition of the property qualification for members of the House of Commons, the secret ballot, equal electoral districts, and salaries for members of Parliament.   This was the first independent working-class movement in the world, that is, not simply sporadic uprisings or agitation, and arose after the Reform Bill of 1832 had failed. Working men had agitated for this bill and its failure left them still without the sought-for right to manhood suffrage. The Factory Act of 1832 had reduced working hours for children, but not for adults. The New Poor Law of 1834 caused resentment among workers by building workers’ housing in factory districts, where living conditions were bad.   By 1837 50,000 were out of work in Manchester alone, owing to overproduction, loss of trade, and the shutting-down of many mills.   Throughout the country, from 1839-1851 widespread depression was due to a combination of jobs lost, bad harvests, and high food prices. There were organized groups in London and Birmingham, but a national organization was inspired by Feargus O’Connor, who edited a Chartist paper, The Northern Star, and was   a rabble-rousing speaker.   The Chartists’ method was to circulate their petition throughout the country and gather signatures which were to be presented to the House of Commons at a giant convention in... ...nating the worst working conditions were gradually enacted into law.   Victorian England was to struggle with labor-management problems throughout the century. Gradually the working class would come to recognize its need for centralized organization and would gain support from radical middle-class intellectuals and writers, notably Henry Mayhew, who during the years 1849-51 investigated living and working conditions in London and published a series of violently-debated letters in the Morning Chronicle. It would appear that the efforts of the Chartists, while not immediately successful, served as valuable experience for a future labor   movement, as well as awakening the consciences of individuals and groups outside the working class. Sources: Sally Mitchell, ed.   Victorian Britain â€Å"Chartism,†Ã‚   â€Å"Riots and Demonstrations,† â€Å"Strikes.† New York, Garland, 1988.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How can I as a nurse change the public health system?

The healthcare system is composed of different individuals who are aiming to provide quality healthcare services to achieve optimum health among their patients. One of which are nurses. It is said that the role of the nurses are very important in the health care delivery as they are the ones who are directly involved in the care of the patients. The core services of the nurses include health promotion, health protection and illness prevention (Backe, 1996). However, in this contemporary world, the role of the nurses are not only limited in the caring of the patients, but also in changing the public health system to ensure that they provide quality and standard health care services among people. Accordingly, the public health is the core of a quality heath care system and is considered as the most cost-efficient method for the prevention of disease and improvement of health (Avila & Smith, 2003). The public health is also known as the first line of defense of the nation as their response to the threat of bioterrorism and in line with disaster preparedness. With years of negligence and erosion in financial budget, the capability of the public health system has been compromised in performing their core functions effectively. In this regard, such issue has become critical in sustaining a long-term stable funding source for the health of the public. With the continuous threats of bioterrorism, pandemic flu, and natural disasters it is important that public health system must be improved to cope with these challenges. As a nurse, I can say that I also have the capability of changing the public health system in various ways. One of these is by being more observant to what is happening around me. Being a nurse, my responsibility should not be bounded by merely practicing all the things that I have learned from the books and from the years of studies at nursing school. In order to make changes in the public health system, I must become more observant to my environment specifically in terms of knowing what policies provided by healthcare authorities are still suitable for the current trends in delivering quality healthcare services and which policies should be modified or revised to meet the changing needs of the people. In addition, I can say that as a nurse, I can change the public health system by knowing directly from the people what they need and coordinating it with the proper authorities for them to make changes and improvement to meet the needs of the public. In addition, I can also help by providing assistance in assessing the needs of the public and helps in providing effective intervention programs. Through my sufficient knowledge and skills not only with hands on activities but also in research and development since evidence are necessary in planning and implementation of appropriate public health system, especially in the remote and sub-urban communities. I can also say that as a nurse, I also have the ability to change the public health system and provide significant impact in terms of improving the public health through both the population-based health approaches, evidenced-based health strategies and interventions with individuals and families. Recent studies have shown that the crucial role of nurses play in the enhancement of evidenced-based nursing practice and their influence on the public health system (Manley & Webster, 2006). Furthermore, I can also say that I can help in changing the public health system by my distinctive knowledge based on my experience as a public nurse. As strategists, clinical experts as well as collaborators, I can say that I also have the unique ability to interpret the essentialities of health and illness contexts so as to advocate families, populations and clients to healthcare planners and policy making body’s at all public levels of the healthcare system. Since I have worked in various roles within a wide spectrum of the public health system in various work environment and settings, I can say that I have enough information on what the public health system should be improved and enhanced (HRSA, 2005). Through my nursing practice expertise, I can also become an instrument to enable the public health authority to identify which intervention strategies is suitable for a specific need of the people as well as to help in overcoming the problems and issues faced by the public health system in order to continuously provide quality health care to the patients, especially in the rural communities. All in all, I can say that my role as a nurse is not only limited to the clinical practice and expertise. My role is to become an effective instrument of bridging the long distance between the people and the authorities who are trying to safeguard their health and help them in preventing diseases that would threaten them for having quality health care living. Reference Avila, M. and Smith, K (2003). â€Å"The reinvigoration of public health nursing: methods and innovations.† Journal of Public Health Management Practice 9(1): 16-24. Backe, H. (1996) Public Health Nursing Services in Rural and Northern Regional Health Authorities: Policy Options for Boards. Unpublished Paper. Winnipeg. Heath Resources and Services Administration. (2005). Public health workforce study. Bureau of Health Professions: Rockville, Maryland. Manley, K. & Webster, J. (2006). Can we keep quality care alive? Nursing Standard 21(3): 12-15.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Church Leadership and Ministry Evaluation Paper

For this paper, I had the honor of evaluating Minister Anthony Thornton of Committed to Christ International Ministries, Milwaukee WI. While in his early 40’s, Minister Thornton’s conversion came about when he was incarcerated, due to the consequences of living a life addicted to drugs and alcohol. During a prison ministry visit, he and many other inmates were able to receive the word of God. After a couple of sessions with the pastor of Committed to Christ International Ministries, Minister Thornton received Christ into his life.Today Minister Thornton has acquired a Master’s degree in Biblical Theology, and is currently teaching Sunday school, along with the Associate’s degree program, in Basic Bible Information. He is responsible for overseeing 20-30 students or congregation members ranging in ages from 16 years and up. Minister Thornton has held this position in the church for many years now, and has significantly reaped the fruits of his labor. He is loved and respected by his peers, and is sought after by his leaders for spiritual wisdom.He expressed that he lives and breathes (2 Timothy 2:15)â€Å"Study to show thyself approved, a workman need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. † Minister Thornton is dedicated to spreading the gospel of Christ; his desire is to win souls. I met Minister at Applebee’s where he was delighted to be interviewed for my class assignment. Questions are as follows: 1. Would you say that your congregation (or the people within your particular department or area of ministry) is â€Å"Living Out the Mind of Christ† (i.e. Unity, Humility, Selflessness) as they interact, serve, and minister to/with each other? How specifically do you as a ministry leader teach, cultivate, and maintain â€Å"The Mind of Christ† in your area of ministry? It is a work in progress. When new converts come in, they are at different levels in their spiritual walk. For these individuals , the â€Å"Mind of Christ† has to be learned. First, by seeing that the ministry leaders are a living example of Christ Jesus, and second, through His teachings.They have to receive a â€Å"heart transplant† if you will, and then an â€Å"attitude adjustment. † There are some who receive well, and there are some who become stagnant or complacent. Therefore, my centerpiece for teaching is the Word of God, which focuses on the humanity of our Lord and Savior. It’s to show how He suffered humility through the same afflictions that we have; and how He exhibited selflessness during his ministry. More important, to instruct us in being united with one another as one body in Christ.A person cannot save themself, they have to be led to Christ, and Christ saves. (Philippians 2:5) says, â€Å"Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. † 2. Would you consider yourself a â€Å"Wounded Healer? † Also, would you please share an example where you have ministered to a person who is/was â€Å"wounded† in the same manner that you once were? (cf. II Corinthians 1:3-5) Absolutely! To know pain is to learn how to heal. Having lived a life of great trial and suffering due to my drug and alcohol abuse, I can discern by the grace and mercy of God when someone needs help.By the power of the Holy Spirit I have acquired the ability to get right there with another sufferer, and show them how to come out. Healing is a spiritual gift. When ministering to the wounded, we must be willing to reveal our wounds to the doubters in order that they may believe, and be healed. (Philippians 1:29) comes to mind, it says, â€Å"For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake. † The neighborhood I grew up in was the same place of my downfall. There was a close friend who lived that life with me, who was obviously hurting.I explained to him that my fall was a result of the sin in my life, and it tried to take me out, by forcing me to feel the pain of guilt and shame for what I did. For a moment I had to stop, and hold back the tears of knowing that by the grace of God there once goes I. It humbled me. I told my friend that he too can share the same saving grace. I told him that if he believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, he can be delivered just like I was. Moreover, I reminded him that we both were cut from the same cloth, and I was no better than he was.This gift of salvation is just as much his, as it is mine. 3. How specifically does the Holy Spirit help guide you as you lead/serve in your ministry? Also, can you give a specific example of how you were able to clearly recognize that the Holy Spirit was helping/guiding you in dealing with a particular situation and/or decision while in your ministry? What advice would you give me that, if I obeyed, would assure me that I would be able to be guided by the Holy Spirit in my life and/or ministry? Because He is a helper and not a hinderer.He is my comforter when I am unsure of how to carry on. He helps me to pray accurately, and effectively. He gives me utterance in a language that only God recognizes, thus bypassing my doubtful mind and lack of understanding. When I allow Him, He gives me the words I speak, choices I make, who I will marry, and how I make, and spend my money. Many scriptures come to mind that speaks clearly about direction. One in specific, (Romans 8:14) â€Å"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God.†It was by the power of the Holy Spirit that I made the conscious decision to surrender my life to Christ. There was a witnessing time where the Holy Spirit impressed upon me to testify the truth of God’s word to a family member who considered himself to be an atheist. I prayed that the Spirit give me the right words, He did, and a divine appointment took place. It changed this individual’s life. Today he is spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. I advise anyone I come in contact with to always be open to hearing and obeying the Spirit/Word of God, and you cannot go wrong.4. Do you have a personal philosophy (i. e. an agreed upon plan of action/policy/understood protocol) of how/when/where you confront sin in the lives of 1) co-ministers/co-leaders in your ministry, and 2) people to whom you minister? If so, what is it? How did you come to this philosophy? If not, do you see a need for such a philosophy? Why or Why not? My protocol is to constantly stay on the path that Jesus took. I don’t condemn or attack the person for the sin, nor do I ignore it. â€Å"For God hath not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.† (2 Timothy 1:7)I show them where there is no judgment. I allow them to see that they are struggling with this affliction that causes pain, and it keeps them bound. Many are our afflictions. I have to approach in love, and still confront the sin head on. It is my responsibility to win the believer from a sinful life, to a life of righteousness. More important, to continue to be mindful of bringing correction in love. 5. Can I perform a little ministry quiz on you? (Remember: This question is taken from the section within chapter 25 entitled â€Å"Recalling Encounters with God!†) a.Can you recall for me what you specifically did (i. e. tasks performed, people you talked to, the number of hours of service) on any individual day in your ministry approximately six weeks ago? About six weeks ago, I was on a 21 day intercessory prayer without ceasing, for rampant gun violence to end in our community. In a matter of less than six months, we experience a multitude of lives lost due to gun violence. The lives taken were mostly young men between the ages of 16, and 25, and it was causing great trauma to our city.b.  Can you recall any time in the past that you were either so moved by hearing a sermon, reading a bible ve rse, hearing a testimony of a someone’s salvation that made such an impact upon your life that you still have a vivid recollection of the event today? How long ago did that spiritual event take place? God inhabits the praises of His people. What really holds near to my heart is when our music ministry singed â€Å"How Great is Our God. † The part where it says, â€Å"all will see how great is our God. † I thank Him that all will be able to one day see how great He is. Especially for the doubters.Through this song, the Holy Spirit constantly affirms that He is the name above all names. Our music ministry usually sing about one half hour before service, but this particular evening, people all over the church was moved by the spirit of God. Over 50 people gave their life to Christ that night. c. Could you briefly describe for me how your daily â€Å"Quiet time with God† or your â€Å"Communion time with God† or â€Å"Your Devotion time with God† usually goes? I have a life that can be quite kaotic sometimes. However, my quiet time with God is mostly during the early morning hours 3-4 am.I go to my secret place for lengthy prayer. Then, I read and study God’s word for as long as the Holy Spirit keeps me. I journal what speaks to me from God, and what I have learned. This is how I draw closer to God. It is my time to sit at His feet, a time I delight in, and truly enjoy. Again reflecting on my favorite verse, (2 Tim 2:15). 6. As a minister, are you ever tempted to become competitive with either a fellow minister or a neighboring ministry or covet the â€Å"success† or resources of other ministers and/or ministries? How do you overcome this temptation in your life if/when it ever comes up in your heart?What advice would you give me to make sure I remain content with what God specifically has for me in my own life and/or ministry? My heart is so willing, but my flesh is weak. I have always been a competitive per son. I believed in being number one at everything I pursue. Whether it was winning in a foot race, or drinking the most alcohol. There is a position for Associate Pastor available; myself and one other member are the only candidates. There is a series of tests/requirements that we need to adhere to, and it rears up the competiveness in me.My flesh says win at all cost, but my spirit says let the will of God be done. I know that the Word of God is my sword. â€Å"For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin† (Hebrews 4:15). We are all members of the body, and we each have a very important role. I advise anyone with this mindset to remain at the foot of the cross and always stay prayerful, and the spirit of God will show you the way. 7. Provide a summary of your interview. a.What stood out to you the most from this interview? What stood out about this man of God was that He stil l had the zest and excitement for the work of Christ. His language is centered around what thus says the Lord, and He referenced a lot of scripture during the evaluation. Many are called and few are chosen. Minister Thornton has definitely been called out by God to do the work of the ministry. He reflects the wisdom of Solomon, the patience of Job, and the Strength of Samson. b. What did you learn that will help you develop your own philosophy of ministry?I learned that the â€Å"Cross of Christ† must be the center of my existence. Anything outside of this gives me the Martha complex. Too busy to focus on what God wants me to know. This helps me to continue to live by the philosophy of knowing 1 John 4:4 says, â€Å"Because greater is he that is in me, than he that is in the world; Philippians 4:13 â€Å"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. † These are the verses that gives me the strength and the courage to â€Å"Live Out The Mind Of Christ† without trying to run and hide like Gideon and Jonah did.c. What did you learn about leadership that you feel is important when ministering to others? To keep my eyes on God. To not be afraid to minister with authority of the Word of God. To remember to regard myself as a humble servant of Christ, always pronouncing the Word. Walk in the seriousness of God’s Word so that others will know that my heart is there. Most important, constantly stay in prayer, study, and minister in love because the lives of the lost are sacred, and they have the right to know the TRUTH!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Pros And Cons Of Ppps Models Social Policy Essay Essays

Pros And Cons Of Ppps Models Social Policy Essay Essays Pros And Cons Of Ppps Models Social Policy Essay Essay Pros And Cons Of Ppps Models Social Policy Essay Essay X-Chief runing officer FIEDMC ( Dawn Saturday, December 20, 2008 ) PUBLIC Private PARTNERSHIPS Models and Trends in the European Union Writers: Andrea RENDA ( Senior Research Fellow, CEPS ) and Lorna SCHREFLER ( Research Assistant, CEPS ) India hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // The failure of Metronet REPORT BY THE COMPTROLLER AND AUDITOR GENERAL | HC 512 Session 2008-2009 5 June 2009 Department Of Management Sciences Ciit Islamabad

Monday, October 21, 2019

JavaScript Execution Order Code and Guide

JavaScript Execution Order Code and Guide Designing your web page using JavaScript requires attention to the order in which your code appears and whether you are encapsulating code into functions or objects, all of which impact the order in which the code runs.   The Location of JavaScript on Your Web Page Since the JavaScript on your page executes based on certain factors, lets consider where and how to add JavaScript to a web page.   There are basically three locations into which we can attach JavaScript: Directly into the head of the pageDirectly into the body of the pageFrom an event handler/listener It doesnt make any difference whether the JavaScript is within the web page itself or in external files linked to the page. It also doesnt matter  whether the event handlers are hard-coded into the page or added by the JavaScript itself (except that they cant be triggered before they are added). Code Directly on the Page What does it mean to say that JavaScript is  directly in the head or body of the page?  If the code is not enclosed in a function or object, it is directly in the page. In this case, the code runs sequentially as soon as the file containing the code has loaded sufficiently for that code to be accessed. Code that is within a function or object is run only when that function or object is called. Basically, this means that any code inside the head and body of your page that is not inside a function or object will run as the page is loading  -   as soon as  the page has loaded sufficiently to access that code. That last bit is important and impacts the order in which you place your code on the page: any code placed directly in the page that needs to interact with elements within the page must appear after the elements in the page on which it is dependent. In general, this means that if you use direct code to interact with your page content, such code should be placed at the bottom of the body. Code Within Functions and Objects A code inside functions or objects is run whenever that function or object is called. If it is called from code that is directly in the head or body of the page, then its place in the execution order is effectively the point at which the function or object is called from the direct code. Code Assigned to Event Handlers and Listeners Assigning a function to an event handler or listener does not result in the function being run at the point at which it is assigned -   provided that you are actually assigning the function itself and not running the function and assigning the value returned. (This is why you generally do not see the () on the end of the function name when it is being assigned to an event since the addition of the parentheses runs the function and assigns the value returned rather than assigning the function itself.) Functions that are attached to event handlers and listeners run when the event that they are attached to is triggered. Most events are triggered by visitors interacting with your page. Some exceptions exist, however, such as the load event on the window itself, which is triggered when the page finishes loading. Functions Attached to Events on Page Elements Any functions attached to events on elements within the page itself will run according to the actions of each individual visitor - this  code runs only when a particular event occurs to trigger it. For this reason, it doesnt  matter if the code never runs for a given visitor, since that visitor has obviously not performed the interaction that requires it. All of this, of course, assumes that your visitor has accessed your page with a browser that has JavaScript enabled. Customized Visitor User Scripts Some users have installed special scripts that may  interact with your web page. These scripts run after all of your direct code, but before any  code attached to the load event handler. Since your page knows nothing about these user scripts, you have no way of knowing what these external scripts might do  -   Ã‚  they  could override any or all of the code that you have attached to the various events to which you have assigned processing. If this code overrides  event handlers or listeners, the response to event triggers will run the code defined by the user instead of, or in addition to, your code. The take home point here is that you cannot assume that code designed to run after the page has loaded will be allowed to run the way that you designed it. In addition, be aware that some browsers have options that allow disabling of some event handlers within the browser, in which case a relevant event trigger will not launch the corresponding event handler/listener in your code.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Analysis of Anselms Ontological Argument

This premise does not state that God’s strengths as this argument is to prove his existence, not whether or not God is all-powerful, all-knowing and all-good. The second premise means this greatest possible being is either an imaginary being that one has thought of or, a being that we not only is not only thought of but also exists. The third premise and its sub premises states because existing in reality is greater than existing in thought, then the God we have thought of exists in reality or there must be a greater, or more perfect, being that does exist and that being is God. This leads to the conclusion, if you accept the premises then you accept the existence of the greatest being possible, God. This concept of God’s existence is also led with the idea that God is a necessary being, a being that is not dependent of something greater in order to exist. If God relied on another being, like how a children rely on parents to conceive them, then this being called God is not God because it would be imperfect. Therefore, there must be another to call God that meets all the requirements for perfection. One of the first popular objections was created by Gaunilo of Marmoutiers. The premise and conclusion to Gaunilo’s argument is identical to Anselm’s argument except with the replacement of the word â€Å"God† with â€Å"the Lost island† and the word â€Å"being† with â€Å"island†. As simple as that, though Gaunilo’s argument is completely absurd, Gaunilo’s reductio ad absurdum also proves to be as deductively valid as Anselm’s argument. However, this â€Å"Lost Island† could in no way exist. The absurdity and validity of â€Å"the lost island† quickly brought up questions as to how Anselm’s Argument cannot be absurd. Anselm’s argument was not proven invalid until Immanuel Kant, a german philosopher during the 18th century, proposed an objection that would be the decisive blow to the Ontological argument (Immanuel Kant. Wiki). Kant’s objection is how existence is not a predicate (Mike, screen 25). A predicate is used to describe something the subject (this being God in Anselm’s Argument) is doing. In Aselm’s Argument, Anselm premise rely on that being conceived and existing in reality is something that describes God. This rationality does not follow because to exist or conceive does not describe the subject, it only tells us whether it exist or not. Much like how fictional characters do not exist, describing cartoon for example would tell us details of what this cartoon looks like, what its habits are and common antics it goes through, but not whether it exists or not. The question of existence must fall in a separate argument that does not define the character. As there are Arguments to prove God, there are debatable arguments to disprove the God. The First version of â€Å"The Argument from Evil† goes as follow: 1. If God were to exist, then that being would be all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good. 2. If an all-PKG existed, then there would be no evil. . There is evil. [Conclusion] Hence, there is no God (Sober, 109) The first premise is the definition of what God would be if he were to exist. That is a being that has the power to do anything, had knowledge of everything throughout the span of time and is in all ways good. The second premise is created with the first premise in mind. To expand on the second premise i t states, if God were all-powerful he could stop any form of evil from happening, if he is all knowing then he has knowledge of when evil will occur and if he is all-good then God would stop all evil from happening. If god cannot stop all evil from happening then the definition of God must be incorrect. He then must not be powerful enough to stop all evil, and/or he doesn’t know when evil until it has already occurred and/or good is not all good in that God does not wish to stop all evils. The third premise is stating the fact that there is evil in the world. The conclusion derived since that there is evil, then is what may be defined as God must be lacking in one or two of his qualities and therefore God, by definition, does not exist at all. In order for God to be compatible with evil, God must only allow the evils that would, in turn, lead to a greater amount of good and must take the route that leads to the least amount of evil to gain the greatest amount of good. The soul building defense was created in mind that evil and God co-exist in our world. The defense is that without any evil in the world, our souls would not nurture, or, understand the concept of evil. This defense does not hold true because there has been many evils in the world that seem unacceptable, even though it may have been for the purpose of soul building. God, and all-good being, would then only allow the evils that are essential in soul-building. This would only mean that evil that man commits against man. The reason for this is because anything that happens in nature exceeds soul-building essentials. Another defense is God having given us free will, humans ultimately are the causes of this evil. That is true but the common objection to this is that human do more than enough evil to ourselves, it is going too far to have God throw tornados, volcanic eruptions, and hurricanes at us too. At what point do human have such control over nature. The last defense is that God simply works in mysterious ways. Who can explain why natural events take so many lives and injure many others or why some children have to go through great deals of suffering and live through it? It is God’s way and ultimately, no matter how incomprehensible the evil is, it is for the greater good. Certainly the question to God’s existence has been pondered upon by philosophers for over a very long period of time with no progress as whether God exists or not. The ontological argument created by Anselm withstood a great deal of criticism until it was disproved by Kant over 600 years after the fact.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Windows Directory Services Proposal Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Windows Directory Services Proposal - Term Paper Example In addition, it simplifies the interactions amongst every hierarchy levels with in the organization. Since communication and connectivity are perhaps the most vital services to the operation of Initech, mitigating on possible problem points with them is in the best interest of the Organization. Another benefit it will bring to the company is its high reliability; the enormous strain that has been on the servers will be eliminated. The problem of mergers which have caused disconnection within the organization will also be solved. This will essentially minimize failure points. Other benefits that it has are its high security which will keep user passwords safe and help prevent access by unauthorized users, and low cost. Some of the key features in my design include the Active Directory  Domain Services. It is essential in defining the structure of data and  services that provide management, organization, and security of resources and accounts. It also has an Active Directory forest which contains all the trusts, sites and domains. This acts as an organization’s security boundary, and it defines the administration’s scope of authority. Other features that it has are the time service and source peer, and a clock manager among others. Initech should select my proposal because it touches on and helps to solve all the problems that the organization has been facing over the years. While designing this, I bore in mind the vital concerns that Initech as an organization has been facing. My design also incorporates services, data structure and elements that provide organization, management, and security of accounts and resources which will surely increase productivity in the organization ( Forest, domain, OU, and trust configuration In this forest, a two-way, transitive trust association is automatically created between any newly created domain and its parent domain. Trusts are logical associations

Guillermo Furniture Store Concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Guillermo Furniture Store Concepts - Essay Example Among the financial concepts appreciable within the context of the set-up include financial markets, financial principles as well as business ethics that form the basis from which financial decisions are made. Guillermo’s Furniture Store case study divulges how the entry of a new competitor from abroad has triggered unexpected challenges to the financial situation of the business. Previously, Guillermo furniture store seem to benefitted from a form of monopoly advantage, resulting from its seemingly popular brand name, non-competitive market conditions and cheap labor in Sonora. This was until the entrance of the new entrants into the local market. Competitors use technology to boost their competitive advantage, in which case they add value to their services to attract customers as well as retain them (Emery, Finnerty & Stowe, 2007a). In view of the fact that financial self-interest is aimed at guiding businesses towards balanced supervisory decisions, it appears the furniture store is compelled to reassert its position if they have to counter competition from the new entrants in Sonora. In this case, the principles of finance demonstrate archetypal behavior in financial transactions. In addition, it offers a model for decision-making with regard to the Guillermo’s Furniture Store scenario. Based on the principles of financial management, Guillermo has a number of sensible options worth applying. Among them includes the principle of two-sided transactions, which is effective in instances where bsuinesses are faced with no less than two sides and where each part considers its own self-interest. In addition, the principle of two-sided transactions is seen to occur each side is seen to be acting on behalf of its financial self-interest (Emery, Finnerty & Stowe, 2007a). For example, when two forces occurred in the Guillermo scenario to damage his

Paid Employment and Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Paid Employment and Identity - Essay Example According to Kirpal (2011), the company and occupational categories are the source of work-related identity formation processes. Employees form identities as they engage in their job and as they interact with their colleagues and customers giving them a source of commitment, motivation and effective job performance (217). People are also judged according to the work they do rather than who they are and a result people are in continuous search for the right job which brings meaning into their lives. This depends on what individuals view as meaningful work to them and the community as a whole. The question that begs an answer then is what constitutes meaningful work? Klein (2008) observes that content and meaning of work for individuals evolves as technological and economic circumstances change thus making it difficult to find meaning in work and form identities. This paper will explore how paid employment affects identity based on the contextual nature of identity. Identity Identity i s defined by Goffman (1959) as an impression management where we monitor all aspects of behaviour of people we encounter. Identity is therefore like a theatrical performance where actors try to convince the audience that their actions are real when in reality they are not authentic. Actors thus identify the things to be taken into account, act on basis of these identifications and attempt to fit their actions with others in the situation (Burke, 2006). Just like in performances, the actors in society have roles to play and they attach meanings which are derived from culture or from own understanding to themselves while performing the roles. However, the individuals must negotiate meanings derived from own understanding with others who have different views such that self meanings correspond to role behaviour. For example, in a work setting if the role of the worker means service to others, then the worker’s actions or behaviour should match the meaning by attending to customer s needs promptly. Jensen (2011 p. 163), defines identity as â€Å"a process of recognizing and being recognized by those who count.† The nature of identity in this case is relational as individuals try to distinguish themselves from others. For example, in a work situation an individual tries to identify himself by distinguishing himself from non-work situation therefore an individual constitutes his context of development. Jensen also acknowledges that individuals have various identity options which vary across cultural contexts but the individual has to explore the most convenient identity from the available options and make a decision to adopt the chosen identity. According to Goffman (1959), choosing the right option requires negotiation with the other pathways available. For example, people can negotiate on the requirements to fill a certain position or occupation hence set a criterion for identifying with that option. In traditional societies, options were limited as ch ildren followed the path of their parents through apprenticeship hence identified with parent’s occupation. For example, a child from a poor background or uneducated parents was also not educated hence ended in same occupation as parents. However, Rehn (2009) acknowledges that children learn differently from adults and should not be ignored as they also form a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

N.A.F.T.A Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

N.A.F.T.A - Assignment Example Moreover, the policies also focused upon codifying broad assortment of agreements related to textile, agriculture, telecommunications, auto trade, intellectual properties, flexibility of workers and environmental policies (Ford, â€Å"A brief history of NAFTA†). Thesis Statement The discussion would aim to analyze the purpose of NAFTA. It would also attempt to provide an insight into the history of NAFTA along with ascertaining the favorable as well as unfavorable outcomes on the US and world economy. A Brief History of NAFTA NAFTA was established in the year 1994 for the purpose of trimming down the costs related to trading, raising business funds and most significantly promoting financial growth among Mexico, Canada and the US. The agreement i.e. NAFTA which was duly signed by the different leaders of the participating nations was ratified by the Congress of the US in the year 1993. It was observed that the agreement proved to be quite controversial as most of the manufactur ing industries as well as the makers of agricultural commodities belonging to the US faced the threat of losing the business market by competing with the Canadian along with Mexican business firms due to their lower cost arrangements (Ford, â€Å"A brief history of NAFTA†). ... Additionally, the fundamental purpose of NAFTA is to ensure and maintain a smooth flow of goods as well as services by making substantial investments. Moreover, the agreement aimed to provide each of the participating countries the prominence in terms of substantial favored trade in the business market. With regard to the purpose of NAFTA, it has been observed that the agreement encompassed certain important areas which comprised the abolition of non-tariff associated trade barriers, augmentation of financial investments and reduction of environmental issues. Moreover, the agreement also entailed segments such as trimming down the tariffs and developing the trade rules such as dispute settlement methods. However, on the basis of the above discussion, it can be stated that the chief aim of NAFTA is to generate a situation of free trade amid the nations of Mexico, Canada and the US by the exclusion of tariffs along with other trade barriers. The agreement i.e. NAFTA can be considered a s a major initiative owing to the different imperative purposes of the trade policies (Rosson, Benson, Moulton and Sanders, â€Å"The North American Free trade Agreement and U.S. Agriculture†). Effects of NAFTA on US World Economy NAFTA was found to pose significant effects upon the world economy of the US. Due to the implementation of NAFTA, the trade relations between the nations i.e. Mexico, Canada and the US broadened substantially. It becomes necessary to be stated in this context that the supporters of NAFTA declared the agreement to be a successful one for supporting the producers of the US by generating a free trade amid the participating nations. Moreover, the agreement benefited the

Motivation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Motivation - Assignment Example Fred Mertz is an undergraduate student of computer sciences, having no interest in this field. He only opted for this field to attain a good job and salary at the end of the day. Else than that, his interest in computer sciences was nothing more than a way to make big money. On hearing about the decreased demand of computer scientists in the market, his motivational level has decreased to an alarming rate and he has become a below average student in the class. Fred’s prime goal is to graduate and get a good job. He could have done this by opting for a field in which he has interest and tempts him. One can’t be motivated towards a task unless it gives him satisfaction and intrigues him. The way/path Fred chose to fulfill his goal is inappropriate and that is why he is de-motivated towards his work and isn’t initiating his work related behavior. Further, according to goal setting theory, goals need to be well defined, challenging yet achievable. In the case of Fred, his goal is quite vague and he just flew with the wind to achieve his goal and opted for computer sciences without realizing this very fact that he has no interest in this field and the consequences would be alarming at the end. According to Vroom’s VIE Theory; people will be motivated because they perceive that their effort and performance will lead to a desired outcome. Work motivation is very much dependent upon the perceived association between performance and outcome. Individuals do change their behavior after they predict the outcome (Isaac, Zerbe and Pitt 213). Below is an illustration of expectancy theory: Fred lacks both instrumentality and valence to become a computer science graduate and afterwards, get a good job. After knowing about the declining demand of computer scientists, his expectancy to get a good job has declined a lot. As his expectancy to get the desired reward and outcome is lacking, he is de-motivated to perform well

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Paid Employment and Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Paid Employment and Identity - Essay Example According to Kirpal (2011), the company and occupational categories are the source of work-related identity formation processes. Employees form identities as they engage in their job and as they interact with their colleagues and customers giving them a source of commitment, motivation and effective job performance (217). People are also judged according to the work they do rather than who they are and a result people are in continuous search for the right job which brings meaning into their lives. This depends on what individuals view as meaningful work to them and the community as a whole. The question that begs an answer then is what constitutes meaningful work? Klein (2008) observes that content and meaning of work for individuals evolves as technological and economic circumstances change thus making it difficult to find meaning in work and form identities. This paper will explore how paid employment affects identity based on the contextual nature of identity. Identity Identity i s defined by Goffman (1959) as an impression management where we monitor all aspects of behaviour of people we encounter. Identity is therefore like a theatrical performance where actors try to convince the audience that their actions are real when in reality they are not authentic. Actors thus identify the things to be taken into account, act on basis of these identifications and attempt to fit their actions with others in the situation (Burke, 2006). Just like in performances, the actors in society have roles to play and they attach meanings which are derived from culture or from own understanding to themselves while performing the roles. However, the individuals must negotiate meanings derived from own understanding with others who have different views such that self meanings correspond to role behaviour. For example, in a work setting if the role of the worker means service to others, then the worker’s actions or behaviour should match the meaning by attending to customer s needs promptly. Jensen (2011 p. 163), defines identity as â€Å"a process of recognizing and being recognized by those who count.† The nature of identity in this case is relational as individuals try to distinguish themselves from others. For example, in a work situation an individual tries to identify himself by distinguishing himself from non-work situation therefore an individual constitutes his context of development. Jensen also acknowledges that individuals have various identity options which vary across cultural contexts but the individual has to explore the most convenient identity from the available options and make a decision to adopt the chosen identity. According to Goffman (1959), choosing the right option requires negotiation with the other pathways available. For example, people can negotiate on the requirements to fill a certain position or occupation hence set a criterion for identifying with that option. In traditional societies, options were limited as ch ildren followed the path of their parents through apprenticeship hence identified with parent’s occupation. For example, a child from a poor background or uneducated parents was also not educated hence ended in same occupation as parents. However, Rehn (2009) acknowledges that children learn differently from adults and should not be ignored as they also form a

Motivation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Motivation - Assignment Example Fred Mertz is an undergraduate student of computer sciences, having no interest in this field. He only opted for this field to attain a good job and salary at the end of the day. Else than that, his interest in computer sciences was nothing more than a way to make big money. On hearing about the decreased demand of computer scientists in the market, his motivational level has decreased to an alarming rate and he has become a below average student in the class. Fred’s prime goal is to graduate and get a good job. He could have done this by opting for a field in which he has interest and tempts him. One can’t be motivated towards a task unless it gives him satisfaction and intrigues him. The way/path Fred chose to fulfill his goal is inappropriate and that is why he is de-motivated towards his work and isn’t initiating his work related behavior. Further, according to goal setting theory, goals need to be well defined, challenging yet achievable. In the case of Fred, his goal is quite vague and he just flew with the wind to achieve his goal and opted for computer sciences without realizing this very fact that he has no interest in this field and the consequences would be alarming at the end. According to Vroom’s VIE Theory; people will be motivated because they perceive that their effort and performance will lead to a desired outcome. Work motivation is very much dependent upon the perceived association between performance and outcome. Individuals do change their behavior after they predict the outcome (Isaac, Zerbe and Pitt 213). Below is an illustration of expectancy theory: Fred lacks both instrumentality and valence to become a computer science graduate and afterwards, get a good job. After knowing about the declining demand of computer scientists, his expectancy to get a good job has declined a lot. As his expectancy to get the desired reward and outcome is lacking, he is de-motivated to perform well

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Different economic factors Essay Example for Free

Different economic factors Essay In this report I am going to describe the way that Cadbury are affected by different economic factors. I will describe the influence of two contrasting economic environments on the business activities within the organisations. I will then compare the challenges to selected business activities within the organisations, in two different economic environments. Recession Recession is when the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) falls and goes negative. The GDP represents the wealth of the economy. When there is a recession there is a decline in business activity, over more than a few months. Employment rates, household income, business profits and investment spending all decrease while unemployment rates and the amount of bankruptcies rise because people begin to be more careful with their money and are less prepared to buy high priced items, for example cars and houses. People tend to take less risks when investing their money and companies also cannot really afford to be employing as many people and this is how the unemployment rates increase. The affect of recession on Cadbury Recession will affect Cadbury but not too drastically. The reasons for this are that people will still continue to buy Cadbury products because they are a low priced product and still affordable to many people. The sales for Cadbury may even increase during a recession because people may fall into comfort eating over the recession which would result in increased sales for Cadbury. More expensive products, for example Cadbury gift boxes and celebration cakes however, will decrease in demand and sales for these products will fall fairly drastically because they are higher priced than single bars so less people will be prepared to spend that amount of money in a time of recession. This will however increase the sale of small, individual bars. In a recession Cadbury will easily be able to recruit people. This is because a higher percentage of people would have been made redundant from their previous jobs and so they will be happy just doing a job until they find something better. They will not be as bothered if the pay rate isnt as high or if they dont receive any benefits, they will just be happy about earning money again. Therefore in recession recruitment for Cadbury would be an easy process as a large amount of people will be looking for work. Cadbury would also be able to pay a reduced wage to new employees. Economic Growth Economic Growth is where the wealth of the increases, this can be measured by looking at the GDP (Gross Domestic Product. ) As the wealth of the economy is growing there is a higher demand for a businesss products or services. When there is an economic growth, people tend to feel more safe about their jobs, their sense of job security increases and they therefore feel more comfortable about spending out larger amounts of their money. It is during a time of economic growth that people will be more likely to take out a loan with a bank or buy a high priced item, for example a car because they will be confident in knowing they will be in their job further down the line. The affect of economic growth on Cadbury When the economy is growing, Cadbury will see an increased demand for their products because more people will be happier spending their money. The sale of larger, more expensive Cadbury products will also increase because people wont mind paying out more money for these, unlike they would if there was a recession. Cadbury will have more employees during this time because they will need to keep up with the demand. Recruitment however, will be a much slower process than it would in a time of recession. It will be a slow process because people are already likely to be in a job working so it will take a longer time for Cadbury to gain workers. Cadbury would then have to offer a higher rate of pay than other companies in order to get people to want to work for them. Most people would stay with their current job if the pay is similar. This could be costly for Cadbury as they will have to offer as much as they can afford in order to attract people.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The History Of The Ginger Smart Basics Tourism Essay

The History Of The Ginger Smart Basics Tourism Essay Roots Corporation Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Indian Hotels Company Limited. IHCL is a part of the Tata Group of companies, which is Indias premier business house. On December 24, 2003, RCL operated the first of its kind category of Smart Basic hotels across India. RCL develops and operates a fast expanding chain of economy hotels across India under the GINGER brand. The Smart Basic concept created a revolution in the Indian Hospitality Industry. These hotels are termed as GenNext category of hotels. GenNext means generation next, i.e., these hotels are completely new concept, which has changed the outlook of hospitality industry in India. They signify simplicity, convenience, informality, style, warmth, modernity and affordability. The concept of Ginger hotels was developed in association of renowned corporate strategy thinker Dr. C.K. Prahalad and the hotels have been inherently designed and established by IHCL. The first of the Smart basics hotels was launched in Bangalore and was called as IndiOne. First, they completed the test marketing and subsequent fine-tuning of hotel facilities and services of IndiOne then rolled out the concept across India. Now the category of hotels has been launched with a new name Ginger Hotels which is in accord with the fresh, simple and stylish world of Smart basics. The ginger Hotels are built in such a way that they meet the key needs of todays travellers at affordable rates. It follows the concept of Smart Basics which is a philosophy of providing intelligent, thought out facilities and services at a value pricing and reflects the new spirit in which people live and work today. Ginger Hotels target middle-income group people with increasing disposable income. This class likes to spend on travel but not on luxury accommodation, they look for accommodation, which can provide value for their money. All they want is a clean, secure and hygienic accommodation at affordable prices. Ginger Hotels follow generic strategy of growth in which they focus on the cities which has already experienced significant growth. Such cities generally show growth in certain business activities like population growth rates, tourism and convention activities, air traffic volume, local commercial real estate occupancy and retail sales volume. These cities tend to have strong demand for hotel facilities and services. They invest in hotels that are situated near both business and leisure centres which tends to create great demand for hotel services and enables them to attract both weekday business guests and weekend leisure travellers. They have a separate team consisting of members from finance, marketing, development and hotel management departments who assess the financial return of every new investment that the group decides to make and the team clears only those projects that they find are financially viable and which would provide them profitable returns. They target markets that do not have wide seasonal fluctuation in occupancy and focus on small entrepreneurs, traders etc. Ginger has the first mover advantage. Looking at the increasing cost trends in real estate market in the last few years. Ginger Group of hotels lease out the area, building, or takeover some non-branded hotel, in this way they save significant amount of cost and time and moves into the market early which helps them in capturing significant market share ahead of its competitors. The company has identified over 80 cities and intends to focus more cities in the future. In order to increase their customer base, the company intends to continue growing organically in the existing cities in which they operate by selectively establishing more ginger hotels. The Indian Hospitality Industry is highly competitive and fragmented. Ginger hotels compete with three star full service hotels from unorganised sector. Earlier ginger hotels were the only branded three star hotels from the organised sector but the competition for ginger hotels have grown significantly after the announcement by newer inte rnational and local hotel companies to set-up hotels across the country in the value segment. Some of the potential competitors of ginger hotels are Lemon Tree Hotels, Ibis (Accor), Keys (Bergruen Hotels), Hilton, Garden Inn Hotels (DLF) etc. Initially Ginger Hotels leased land in order to build hotels but now they are doing things differently from building a hotel on the top of a shopping mall and redeveloping an existing property. Ginger Hotels provide similar services that a normal hotel provides like rooms with T.V>, fridge, tea/coffee makers, laundry, restaurants, Wi-Fi connections, meeting rooms, business centres, Gyms, Car rental services, Doctor on call, Currency exchangers etc. The manner in which these services are provided differentiates it from other normal hotels. The tag line of Ginger hotels is PLEASE HELP YOURSELF which means most of the services offered have to be carried out by the customer himself. There are no room services or bellhops this strategy adopted by ginger, benefits customers and the hotel, customers, can save upon the tips, which otherwise they would have to pay for room services and hotel can save upon the cost of human resource. Most of the services have to be carried out by the guest himself like while checking into the hotel a guest does not need the assistance of the reception counter as ginger hotels have Self Check-In Kiosk. In addition, there is Give n Take Counter that th e guest can use to deliver used clothes for laundry. There is an ironing room in every floor of ginger hotels. Further are water dispensers on each floor. Ginger hotels also have round the clock vending machine to provide with packed snacks and hot/cold beverages irrespective of the working of the restaurant. In addition, a vending machine to supply other things like toiletries, combs, toothpastes, soaps, mosquito repellents etc. ginger has outsourced food and beverage partners operating on a revenue share model. They have introduced facilities like SMART wellness, which is Ayurvedic wellness facility for business travellers at a low cost. In addition, SMART sleep that includes posture-pedic mattress for absorbing and redistributing pressure from the body weight. In future Ginger Hotels intends to develop its own merchandise range that will be offered in hotel and on the website. The size of the room in the hotel is kept small around 180 sq. Feet as compared to 250-400 sq. Feet of p remium hotels. The concept of Help Yourself has helped the company in operating the hotel with just 25 staff members as compared to premium hotels where they employ around 250 people. The room charges range from Rs. 999 to Rs. 3000, which is quite affordable. All this practice has helped them to cut their marketing costs significantly. Early Mover status and establishes regional operational and synergy has enabled ginger to develop and operate its hotels efficiently and successfully. Ginger Hotels offer standardised products and maintain uniformity of hotel chain. They have come up with unique product features consisting of design, appearance, decoration, colour that attracts the customers attention. The company has developed a record of accomplishment of expanding the business operations through organic growth and maintain high quality, also achieve their financial target. Since there is a shortage of Human resource in ginger hotels, they have adopted a flexible and robust IT system in collaboration with Tata Consultancy Services, which is a company- wide seamlessly, integrated IT system developed by SAP. Ginger hotels has a unique value proposition that appeals the middle class budget people and makes it a flourishing business. If we look at the Indian Hotel Industry, there are certain strengths or favourable factors that contribute to the prosperity of the company in the industry. Ginger hotels are associated with low cost airlines and low cost mode of transportation thus providing a low price better quality accommodation. Apart from this Ginger hotels are located near railway stations and bus stops and are situated in places, which can be beneficial for both business people and tourists. They are mostly located in the city with less seasonal fluctuations in accommodation. Most of the employees are outsourced thus ginger maintains a low amount of staff as the hotel does not offer any room service thus it helps in providing cost benefit. Ginger hotels also provide all basic amenities like gym, ATM, Wi-Fi etc. that helps the hotel in maintaining its standard and quality. This brand is very fresh and simple. It gives a new feeling as expected by the new emerging middle-income group in the country. Ginger relies on regional advertising rather than spending on national campaigns thereby cutting significant amount of cost and successfully building a brand. They have also been able to gain a lot of reputation by being a part of Tata Group, which is a pioneer in the Indian market. Another aspect of their brand strength comes from their holistic value. They have also taken a great consideration for disabled people by designing the last room in the hotel especially for them. They are budget hotels and operate on low cost. They have the ability of spreading themselves quickly across the county in just span of 8 years they have opened up around 40 hotels across the country. The brand Ginger has become very successful hotel chain in India by achieving the occupancy rate of 80%. As Ginger Hotels enjoy certain advantages and strengths they have to face various threats and weaknesses. Ginger hotels is unable to attract higher-middle class and upper class who look for more luxury and services and ginger being a budget hotel does not provide much services. Since ginger is economy chain of hotels, they have a high employee turnover due to limited scope and remuneration provided by the group. This makes ginger incur huge costs by training new employees repeatedly. Ginger comes under the category of three star hotels and it has to face a tuff competition from the local hotels of unorganised sector that are even cheaper and provide services. Apart from these local hotels there are many new brands which have announced their desire to enter the budget hotel segment thus providing more competition to ginger hotels. There are always two faces of a coin, same is the case with ginger hotels, if there are strengths, weaknesses also prevail. Ginger is characterised by a high turnover of frontline staff, rapid, growth and dispersed location. Gingers ability to attract good talent and retain employees is critical for their growth strategy and that people are critical to maintaining the quality and consistency of its services and thereby their brand and reputation. Ginger has outsourced most of its activities only 8 to 9 managers per hotel are on the rolls of ginger rest other facilities like kitchen, restaurant, and backend maintenance are outsourced. Ginger has 175 permanent employees. Ginger hotels have collaborated with various hotel management schools to develop talented students who can meet the rapidly growing demands of the company. The company uses a multi- step recruitment process for retaining and recruiting the best talent. Ginger has implemented extensive training programs and periodic tests for managerial and other hotel-based staff primarily through training partners. They provide various career advancement opportunities to their employees. Ginger hotel organises a two-month extensive training period for new unit managers during which they receive training in managing all core aspects of the hotel operations and they get familiar with the company culture and philosophy. Ginger group also conducts timely web based tests to assess the knowledge and skills of the workers. The company uses performance linked compensation structure, career oriented training to motivate its employees. Even after having such an extensive human resource strategy. Ginger hotels face various challenges as it mainly operates in smaller non-metro cities where the employees are less exposed to new technology, comfort and modern amenities, it becomes a difficult task for the company to gear up the employees upto the standard of ginger hotels. Designing a system to recruit right kind of people and provide right training to employees is a difficult question for ginger hotels as the development inputs are different for different locations. Additionally acquiring professionally qualified employees in remote areas and non-metro cities and retaining them is an area of concern. In order to retain the employees, ginger has come up with various measures so that employees can get additional value in terms of non-monetary rewards like developing employee competencies by providing certifications etc. but consistently ensuring this across all the locations is a big challenge. Ginger uses unconventiona l recruitment process as conventional recruitment becomes very expensive for the group. They have created a portal called [emailprotected] from where almost 48% of the companys recruitment takes place and rest of the recruitment takes places through referral programmes in which existing employees refer a new employee and if the referred person gets selected the referrer gets reward in this way the company satisfies both the existing and new employees. They have also merged with various management schools and employees go to colleges and collaborate with them by linking with their syllabi, they call students for get together and use students as summer interns so that they build relationship even before the recruitment starts. They try to keep their staff motivated by giving them a chance to learn new things and upgrade their skills. Since they are budget hotels so they choose e-learning initiatives to cut costs. They have in house training, induction and e-learning modules based on c ustomer feedback systems. The compliance with quality standards are monitored through both scheduled and unscheduled visits, periodic tests and reviews at each hotel. In addition, the practice of mystery audits and of tracking customer comments through guest comment cards, allows ginger to improve its services and facilities at each hotel. Gingers corporate marketing and advertising strategies are designed to enhance consumer awareness and preference for the ginger brand as offering the value, convenience and comfort in the economy hotel segment in Indian Hospitality industry. Ginger has to reshape the customer expectations, as still Indian customers are uncomfortable with the concept of smart basics and self-service. Each day they have to entertain many customers who enter the hotel without knowing what to expect. Customers often complaint about services which are not provided by the ginger hotels. However, creating awareness for ginger brand is a difficult task to perform, as ginger is a budget hotel, as its business model does not allow huge expenditure on media and promotion. Nevertheless, even after facing various challenges. Ginger has been able to respond effectively to the changing dynamics and economies of the Indian Hospitality Industry. With the continuing expansion across the country, customers are now seei ng a greater value in ginger hotels. Ginger CEO Prabhat Pani said, Ginger hotels, like any other Tata enterprise, would continue to be driven by respect for people and nature, and would like to epitomise environment-friendliness and social responsibility in all aspects of business.